What's Hackerbee?

A team of hackers, engineers and beekeepers.
A nonprofit project to help beekeepers upskill and digitalise.

We met at an IoT hackathon where Janis suggested that we should create a smart system for beekeeping. Girts resonated with it as his dad is a beekeeper but Ru just really liked the idea of working on something that is nature related and has a strong social impact. We created the first prototype in 36 hours and won. Hence, this early success gave us the confidence to take on this journey and start a company. BeeSage is the beehive monitoring system we have developed and Hackerbee was created to serve the charitable aspects of our organisation.

Our team


Ru Wikmann
Co-founder & CEO

Technology enthusiast with a marketing background. Self-taught web developer.


Ģirts Kaģis
Co-founder & CTO

Electronics engineer. Experienced in IoT system development.


Jānis Kronbergs
Apiculture Industry Advisor

Passionate beekeeper. Regional lead and mentor at Latvian Beekeeping Association. Development manager of BeeKing.